Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Cricket @ Windsor

A day in the sun on the lawns of the Royal Cricket Club, Windsor followed a great evening at Henley Festival with our friends Steve & Lesley and Steve & Karen.

The match was between Middlesex and The Royal Cricket Club, 
It was all so elegant, relaxing and beautiful; such a delight!!

Okay, fine, now wake up girlie, smell the coffee, time to get some money into the charity box.

You must all know by now that I have set myself the impossible task of raising £10,000 for charity this year and probably next as well!!

I have raced a 70ft yacht for over 4000 nm from San Francisco to New York; taking in Jamaica and Panama. I am organising a Golf day at Temple Golf Club on the 29th August and a bike ride from Bath to Reading on the weekend of the 6/7th September.

This is an open invitation to you all to join in the fundraising.



Thursday, 10 July 2014


I have just been reminded, by a friend from Cyprus, that I haven't updated the news about Melios; the puppy who found us on the beach in January.

Melios spent a very happy 6 weeks, preparing to travel to Braywood Farm, with Jackie at A Kennel With A View, near Limassol; his veterinary  care was in the hands of Doctor Yiannis of  Avdimou Village and we are very grateful for all their love and care.

When Melios found us he was emaciated, he had a piece of twine around his neck which was cutting into his throat and he was so weak he could hardly stand.

He has grown into a strong, happy chappie and we spend hours searching out new places to walk or more to the point sniff!! He is a great companion, full of energy, into everything and always up to mischief.

Russ is often challenged by Melios, being a lifelong cat lover it must be tough!!!

He is a year old this month and it is time to start some serious training, I will keep you posted as to how he/we are doing. 

On Reflection, It's A Funny Thing!!!

It's A Funny Thing!!!

It's a funny thing! When I was on the boat the physical side of life was hard. Now I am off the boat the mental side of life is hard.

How do I explain what is inexplicable to me? On the boat all my focus was on sailing and keeping safe, keeping cool and hydrated, getting through my watch and into bed. 
Off the boat there seems to be a necessity to indulge oneself. Once you take away the need to 'survive' what are we left with other than self satisfaction. The need to fill the day with gratifying events, which can be food, drink, friends almost anything.
If the day is not full with these events life seems wasteful. And  if we take  Maslow's pyramid are we in actualisation and if so are we bored now the fight is over?  Having risen up the pyramid to a state where we don't need to worry  about survival what is left? 

This, of course, could just be the effect of retirement! Is life only being concerned about no longer having a purpose in life; the kids are gone, no job, no 'worries', nothing to strive for, Hmmm.... !!!

Or could it be because I am sitting in High Wycome Hospital Minor Injuries Unit with my mother waiting to see a doctor. We have been here for 2.30 hours, we did see a nurse 1.30 hours ago and she said we need to see the doctor, which is very reassuring!!  
Is life slipping by while I wait for mother to see a doctor?