A poster in a railway station in Berkshire, UK, that was all it took; I was hooked. But hooked on what? I have never sailed before, I don't like swimming, especially in the sea, I'm not competitive, well actually yes i am but I've always been in denial, its an age / female thing!
So, as they say, this is how it went down. I applied to the email address on the poster and within days an application form and this wonderful brochure arrived. I saw 'Me' on that boat, on that ocean, racing. Around the world......
From there it was simple wasn't it? I just had to tell my husband (Russ) "Sorry darling, I'm leaving you and going racing around the world." Hmmmmm, not to mention children and parents.
Anyway, I received and invitation to Gosport, home of the Clipper Fleet, for an interview. There was no escape now' I had to tell Russ what I had done. Deep breath, spill it out and wait for the explosion, after all we had only been married for 2 years and this is probably not what he was expecting of his new wife. Se Russ' version to see how that went.
Here I sit some months later, in Russ' office while he is off playing golf, writing this for you. I have completed my training, which can only be described as gruelling. I have fitted out MY boat, Qingdao. Well, okay so I had help from my fabulous crew mates and skipper, Gareth. I then had the honour of sailing her from Gosport via France to St Katherine's dock, London for her naming ceremony and the departure of the Fleet on September 1st.
Check back here to see how it all went and how it all goes!!